I use this program all day every day, and I find it indispensible. I love how easy it is to track my billable hours. This program is about six small changes away from perfection. That being said, it crashes. It crashes a LOT. There is no support for the program. There are never updates. The worst "feature" is the way it stores your entries as one long page for the entire month. Not only is it a pain to navigate to the most recent entries (which are at the bottom of the list), but as the month goes on and the list gets longer, the probability that the app will crash grows exponentially. By mid-month you can basically give up on ever reaching the bottom of the list before the app goes belly-up. (Although, strangely enough, turning of the iPhones antennas by switching to "Airplane" mode seems to increase the time between crashes.) Still, I keep using it... I must be some sort of masochist.
NadaGamer about TimeLogger.app